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Wood Stove – Frequently Asked Questions
We answer some common questions that get asked about wood stoves.
What type of wood is best to use as Firewood?
Dry seasoned hardwood is recommended. Avoid unseasoned green wood. Green-wood, besides burning at only 60 percent efficiency of dry seasoned wood, it will deposit creosote on the inside of your stove and along the inside of your chimney.
What does dry seasoned wood mean, and what is hardwood?
Wood that has been dried for at least one year in a well-ventilated and sheltered area. Hardwoods are generally from slow growth trees (e.g., Oak and Fir). Softwoods are usually from fast-growing trees. (e.g., Pine)
Why can’t I get the fire lit?
The most common reason for difficulty lighting a fire is due to damp or wet wood and reduced draft. Always use dry seasoned wood for your fire.
Why do I get a large amount of black some smoke in my wood stove?
It’s usually an indication that you have poor draft.
What is draft?
Draft is the ability of the chimney to exhaust draw byproducts produced during the normal combustion process.
Is it normal for soot to cover the glass at the beginning of a fire?
Pleasant Hearth wood stoves are built with an air wash system that helps keep the glass clear when the firebox has reached a good operating temperature and has a good draft. Cold firebox temperature and poor draft cause sooting of the glass. Once the firebox temperature and the draft increases, the soot usually burns off.
Should I close or open the air control fully when shutting down the stove?
When shutting down the stove, fully open the air control. By opening the air control, it allows the chimney temperatures to remain as high as possible for as long as possible. Cold chimney temperatures create creosote.
How do I get rid of ash?
This pleasant hearth wood stove units features convenient ash lip for easy removal of ash. During constant use, ashes should be removed every few days, or whenever ashes get to three to four inches deep in the firebox. Remove ashes only when the fire has died down, and the ashes have cooled. Even then, expect to find a few hot embers. Disposal of Ashes: Ashes should be placed in a steel container with a tightfitting lid. The container of ashes should be moved outdoors immediately and put on a noncombustible floor or the ground, well away from combustible materials, pending final disposal. If the ashes are disposed of by burial in soil or otherwise locally dispersed, they should be retained in the closed container until all cinders have thoroughly cooled. Other waste shall not be placed in this container.
NOTE: This sheet is intended as an aid and does not supersede any local, provincial or state requirements. Check with officials or authorities having jurisdiction in your area.
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